Welcome to the website of Het Oudtestamentisch Werkgezelschap in Nederland en België (The Old Testament Society in the Netherlands and in Belgium, OTW). The OTW is a society of Dutch speaking scholars, who are doing academic research in the Old Testament, its ancient Near Eastern environment, and in its history of reception.
The website contains information about the OTW and its members, activities and publications, news and details of the academic study of the Old Testament. For questions and suggestions, please contact the webmaster.

כלי Database
A database containing academic articles concerned with the name and function of utensils in the Hebrew Bible.

OT Research
An overview of all locations in Belgium and the Netherlands where the Hebrew Bible can be studied as well as a list of all the members of the OTW and their academic interests.

Old Testament Studies
All publications in the Old Testament Studies (OTS) series of publisher Brill, published on behalf of the Societies for Old Testament Studies in the Netherlands and Belgium, South Africa, the United Kingdom and Ireland.